PowerPoint Template Transport and Logistics
The presentation set consists of 48 slides and is aesthetically customized for the sector of transport and logistics. All PowerPoint templates convince with a high-quality design and a professional appearance. Images related to the transport and logistics branch help you to deliver a successful performance and emphasize a competent outlook. Different images are provided: a truck from different perspectives which raises connotations of strength and energy, a high-speed train that conveys mobility and ambition and a plane on take-off states that your goals are based on very high standards.
Pre-designed slides help to present important numbers and figures in a comprehensive and well-structured way. Place holders can be substituted with content, information and facts that shall be presented in a professional business presentation. Other slides allocate enough space for images and text. Text slides provide space in three columns to present a large set of information. Use the provided pictures or substitute the placeholders with your own images. Infographics and charts illustrate important data of your company which are already included in the presentation set.Compatibility note: This product is optimized for PowerPoint versions 2007/2010 and 2013. In older versions of PowerPoint and in Mac Versions the usage of this product is limited. To open the PPT file in PowerPoint 2003 the "Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack" is required. It can be downloaded for free from the Microsoft website.