Transparent Pearl Graphics to Enhance Flow Charts, Radial Diagrams and as Standalone Design Elements.
Pearls as Symbols
Pearls are known for their immaculate round form. They symbolize purity and perfection.
Pearls in Diagrams
In our PowerPoint slides, the pearl symbolizes an individual thought. Threading several pearls into a necklace allows you to visualize a linear thought process, not unlike a process diagram.
This set of slides also includes different types of diagrams using pearl graphics, such as radial diagrams with pearls that can be positioned as required. Our package includes easy-to-use, ready-made templates, and a toolbox to create your own diagrams.
With This Template You Can
- present ideas creatively
- visualize connections between individual thoughts
- create your own diagrams using our toolbox
This PowerPoint Template Contains:
- flow charts and radial diagrams using pearl graphics
- graphics of pearl necklaces
- toolbox with pearl graphics in different colors

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