With the Total Quality Management Toolbox (TQM) for PowerPoint, you optimize the product and process quality of your business. Common management and analysis methods are presented and applications such as graphs and matrices are provided to be implemented.
Total Quality Management
TQM is the planning and integrating of all people and processes of a company for constant improvement of product and process quality services tailored to customer satisfaction.
Establishing TQM Philosophy
Corporate managers who want to uphold the TQM philosophy face the challenge of always maintaining a total perspective. Thus, quality assurance refers to the main principle, not only in the products whose quality is rated by the customer, but also by essentially generating their processes and employees.
Stable Quality Assurance
TQM templates offer a wide range of work tools for complete quality management. A step-by-step guide walks through each task at hand for overall quality assurance. Besides classic quality analysis tools, this offer also includes numerous document templates and graphics for data and analysis, quality costs, management methods, etc.
Total Quality Management Toolbox for PowerPoint
- demonstrates the TQM philosophy
- simplifies the organization and management of complete quality management
- enables the visualization of large corporate processes and analyzes
PowerPoint Templates Include
- creativity technique examples (benchmarking, consensus building process, etc.)
- template management methods (deming cycle, error proofing, quality control, etc.)
- matrices (prioritization matrix, is / is not matrix)
- charts (radar, spider, trend, cusum, etc.)
- analysis templates (root cause analysis, ABC analysis, SIPOC, etc.)
- charts (pie, column, bar, line charts, etc.)
- 7 Classic Quality Tools (pareto chart, scatter diagram, control chart, flow chart, cause-and-effect diagram, histogram, checklist)
- introductory guide for Total Quality Management
- other graphics and quotes on the subject of management