Teams and team structures
A team is a fixed group of at least two people who share a common goal and combine their resources to achieve it. In contrast to a work group, teams have an emotional depth that ensures better collaboration. Team structures clarify how these teams work together. They define which roles are assigned and how, and who takes on which responsibilities. The right team structure not only ensures better team building, increased morale and business success, but also promotes productivity, teamwork and relationships within the company.
Organizational team structures
The relationship between team structures and the organizational structure is intricately linked – each organizational structure has specific characteristics that influence how teams work together. The interaction between departments, how decision-making power is distributed and the working environment all have a direct impact on the way teams operate within a company. In hierarchical structures, the balance of power within teams is tiered. In flat structures, team members and management operate at the same hierarchical level. The type of team also plays a decisive role, as it specifies the purpose of forming the team and the allocated tasks and responsibilities. A unique type of team is the self-organized team, which supports managers in a rapidly changing and dynamic business world by organizing itself independently.
Effective team management
Effective team management is the backbone of every successful company. Effective team management goes far beyond simply assigning tasks. It involves carefully selecting team members based on their skills and competencies and clearly defining roles and responsibilities. Communication plays a vital role. Clear and open communication channels ensure that team members are well informed and can work together effectively. Effective team management also requires a balance of leadership and empowerment, with leaders setting the vision and direction while creating space for creativity and ownership. Conflict management and fostering a positive team culture are also crucial in creating a balanced working environment in which each team member's strengths can be maximized.
Everything on team structures in one template
Our new PowerPoint template provides you with valuable information on productive teams and various team structures that you can present in your company. Show your employees what constitutes successful teamwork and which team structure suits your company. Clarify the reasons for the development of your teams and what tasks and responsibilities they are assigned within the company. We also provide you with key methods, tools and templates for effective team management which you can use to illustrate the importance of strong teamwork. The best part? Our templates are created by our professional designers, so you can incorporate them directly into your presentation or add your data with just a few clicks.
With this template for PowerPoint, you can
- present essential information about teams and team structures.
- demonstrate the advantages of the different team structures and types of teams.
- explain why effective teamwork is important to your employees.
This PowerPoint template includes:
- Team structures: the basics
- Definition: teams and team structures
- The importance of the right team structure
- 7 characteristics of a team
- Team vs. Work group
- 5 functions of a team
- 5 dysfunctions of a team
- Important aspects of teamwork
- Belbin’s team roles
- Teamwork: advantages and disadvantages
- Organizational team structures
- The role of organizational structures
- Hierarchical structure
- Functional structure
- Cross-functional structure
- Matrix structure
- Process-based structure
- Circular Structure
- Flat structure
- Product-focused structure
- Market-focused structure
- Geographical structure
- Types of teams
- Project teams
- Project team responsibilities
- Problem-Solving Teams
- Advantages of team problem solving
- Innovation teams
- How an innovation team works
- Quality improvement teams
- Quality improvement team roles
- Virtual teams
- Virtual teams: advantages and disadvantages
- Self-organized teams
- Reasons for self-organized teams
- Effective team management
- Key team management skills
- Successful team development
- Team canvas
- Managing virtual teams
- Team evaluation survey
- Identify potential conflicts
- Glasl’s 9 stages of conflict escalation
- Team templates
- Team presentation
- Team structure
- Team meeting
- Team charter
- Team achievements