Toolbox includes a big collection of SmartArt graphics such as pyramids, matrices, charts, diagrams and image placeholders illustrated in a modern and professional design.
One-Click Editing
SmartArts are predefined graphics that automatically adjust according to settings and requirements. One quickly enters his information/ data and the diagram is customized in size and shape. This way one can easily edit and customize any form of diagram and create individual charts within seconds.
Numerous Application Areas
This set includes a collection of graphics and charts for PowerPoint presentations or to design professionally illustrated surveys and handouts. Choose from a big variety of matrices, timelines and Venn diagrams as well as organizational, process and relationship charts. You only need to add your information and fill the text and image placeholders with unique content.
The SmartArts - Toolbox offers
- design graphics which can be easily edited
- an extensive template collection
- design ideas and innovative inspirations
PowerPoint Templates Include
- SmartArt instructions
- pyramid designs
- matrix toolbox (SWOT analysis, grid and cycle matrix)
- list of SmartArts
- process charts (timelines, chevron diagrams, arrow charts, etc.)
- image templates
- relationship charts (radial and Venn diagrams)
- funnel, gearwheel and target graphics
- circle charts
- icons, symbols and graphics to complement the SmartArt designs