What characterizes effective risk management?
Risk management is a key component of responsible corporate governance. It identifies, assesses and manages all risks that could harm the company. Potential risks have increased significantly in recent years as a result of several crises with economic repercussions. This has made risk management more important than ever. Current challenges, such as climate change, the accelerated development of artificial intelligence, misinformation and disinformation, skills shortages in the workforce and cyberattacks, present companies with immense uncertainties. Companies that invest in effective risk management will be able to successfully overcome these crises.
Eight risk mitigation strategies for successful risk management
Facing the risks within the current risk landscape requires a solid risk mitigation strategy. The right strategies depend on a company’s risk management priorities and the severity of acute threats. Hedging contracts, cost cutting and an analysis of current financing will protect against the financial uncertainties. Increased cybersecurity mitigates the risk of costly cyberattacks and supply chain analyses uncover any supplier supply shortages.
Stronger partnerships can help find joint solutions to problems and facilitate managing crises together; documenting potential risk scenarios helps companies develop the right action plans. Risks can be diversified through M&A transactions. All these risk mitigation strategies support companies with their risk management and arm them against crises.
Defining risk appetite and finding the right risk management tools
Risk appetite describes how much risk a company is willing to take to reach its business goals. It ranges from no risk appetite to an aggressive risk appetite. Once the company has identified its own appetite, it can use risk management tools to identify risks, evaluate them and develop appropriate mitigation measures. Successful risk management is typified by a combination of risk appetite, risk mitigation strategies and the appropriate tools.
Everything for successful risk management in one set
Our PowerPoint template provides you with information on current crises and risks. Present the issues and challenges of today's risk management to your employees using illustrative slides. You also get a selection of risk management tools and eight risk mitigation strategies to help you visualize your risk management in PowerPoint.
With our Risk Management PowerPoint template, you can
- present key information on the 2024/2025 risk landscape
- use eight risk mitigation strategies and selected risk management tools
- present your risk management, including challenges and issues, to your employees
This PowerPoint template includes:
- Quote
- Relevance of risk management
- Overview
- Definition: risk management
- Risk origins
- Risk identification lifecycle
- Internal and external risks
- Types of external risks
- Options for managing risks
- Enterprise risk management (ERM)
- Enterprise risk management components
- Risk management maturity model
- Risk management potential
- Preventive and corrective measures
- Consequences of inadequate monitoring
- Eight risk mitigation strategies
- Hedging contracts
- Cutting costs
- Re-evaluating financing
- Expanding cybersecurity
- Analyzing the supply chain
- Strengthening relationships
- Analyzing risk scenarios
- Mergers & acquisitions (M&A)
- Risk appetite
- What risks are we willing to take?
- Definition: risk appetite
- Advantages of a defined risk appetite
- Risk appetite table
- Risk appetite scale
- Risk strategies
- Risk management tools
- Risk breakdown structure
- Risk log
- Risk canvas
- SWOT analysis
- Bow tie analysis
- Scenario analysis
- Risk matrix
- Risk value calculation
- Weighted risk table
- Risk-value matrix
- Risk-opportunity matrix
- Risk response table
- Action plan
- Action plan table
- Risk roadmap
- Risk landscape 2024/2025
- Survey on global risk perceptions
- Climate change
- Impact of climate tipping points
- Risks and consequences of climate change for companies
- The risks of artificial intelligence
- Artificial intelligence enhances the effectiveness of cybercrime
- Misinformation/disinformation and AI
- Artificial Intelligence Act
- Cybersecurity outlook
- Defend against the next cyberattack
- Skills gaps among employees
- Sought-after employee skills
- Leading industries with anticipated high job growth