Editable post code map of Germany (3-digit) with cities for PowerPoint presentations.
This pre-designed set of triple-digit post codes-maps is especially suitable for presenting your marketing and sales territories as well as for visualizing regional characteristics and locations.
Overall, you will find 40 PowerPoint slides including survey and detail maps of all post code zones
(0 - 9) and regional divisions (0xx).
Special Feature: To demonstrate a better comparison between the federal states and the post code sections, all maps are additionally overlayed by the outline of all federal states. Captions and all major cities are already inserted and can be edited in your PowerPoint presentations.
Compatibility note: This product is designed for PowerPoint versions 2007/2010 and 2013. Older PowerPoint or Mac versions may show compatibility difficulties. To open the pptx file in PowerPoint 2003 the “Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack” is required. It can be downloaded on the Microsoft Homepage free of charge.