This template set contains graphs and diagrams to create a comprehensive and illustrative presentation on manufacturing and logistics 4.0.
Industry 4.0 Cannot Exist Without Logistics 4.0
Expectations related to Industry 4.0, such as full transparency from supplier to customer, decentralized control, and networked processes, can only be realized across the entire supply chain.
This requires a new approach to manufacturing and logistics with a focus on networking and technology. Automation and digital transformation are helping to pave the way for this change.
Present Manufacturing and Logistics 4.0 Challenges and Processes
Logistics 4.0, a decentralized, service-oriented system that reacts in real-time, is already making an impact. Over the past few years, important technologies, such as improved sensor technology, automated information exchange using wireless M2M transmission methods, and robotics have made substantial progress. Moving forward, augmented reality and cloud computing capabilities will play important roles in the development of logistics 4.0.
These informative templates can be used to prepare your company’s technology strategy and business process realignment. Detailed diagrams and practical examples provide tangible insight into this complex topic.
This set compares logistics 4.0 with traditional logistics, and looks into its relationship with Industry 4.0. It offers background information on logistics and manufacturing and details their development. It also takes a critical look at the risks and obstacles associated with logistics 4.0.
With This PowerPoint Template, You Can
- visualize the development, goals and challenges of logistics 4.0
- use numerous diagrams on logistics and manufacturing
- clearly summarize key information
This PowerPoint Template Includes:
- a definition of logistics 4.0
- 3D graphics
- a comparison with traditional logistics
- the four pillars of logistics 4.0
- the interaction between manufacturing and logistics
- networking manufacturing and logistics
- networking driven by the fourth industrial revolution
- the relationship between logistics 4.0 and Industry 4.0
- the development of logistics
- a brief history of manufacturing
- logistics 4.0 in today's workplace
- drivers of change
- digitalization in logistics
- logistics in 2030
- the goals/challenges/risks of logistics 4.0
- smart technologies in manufacturing & logistics
- the features of implementing smart technologies
- practical examples
- graphs & diagrams