With cover letter, resume and cover page PowerPoint layout templates, as well as sample texts and application tips, you can master the application process in the printing industry.
Tools for Applying for the Printing Profession
When a promising job listing for a printer is found, it is necessary to meet the challenges of the application process. Initially, previous experience in the production of printed products such as any training, internships or former workplaces should be listed in your resume along with text stating interest in the position for the potential employer.
With the help of prefabricated layouts and sample texts, you can succeed in putting together a persuasive and engaging application even under strict time constraints. If it proceeds to an interview, you should review the provided professional behavior tips in order to make a good impression and leave the recruiters on a positive note.
Set of Templates, Sample Text Examples and Career Advice
This set includes cover letter, resume and cover page templates designed for the print profession. Printable in A4 format, these templates come with sample texts and sample graphics that can be added to or replaced with your own content. In addition, professional career tips are summarized on 6 slides, one of which, for example, concerns the appropriate clothes to wear at the interview.
With the Application Templates for the Print Profession, you can
- clearly convey your skills to potential employers in the printing industry
- create application documents with the print profession corresponding layout
- receive valuable tips on the entire application process
PowerPoint Templates Include
- templates for cover letters, cover pages and resumes in professional design
- sample texts and images that can be replaced with your own content
- graphics with 3D print letters on cover page
- 6 application tips, one of which is the behavior at an interview