Make use of data, facts and figures of Internet of Things assembled in a PowerPoint presentation.
Intelligent Devices
The goal of Internet of Things is to combine the virtual and physical world. Everyday objects can learn to "think" and communicate with each other over the Internet. The stand-alone computer is being replaced more and more by "intelligent things," or many smaller computers in objects.
Internet of Things, but How?
This concept works over "Radio Frequency Identification" (RFID). This small electronic data storage or transponder is installed in various objects and can be read or written by using radio waves. Each transponder contains a specific number called "Electronic Product Code" (EPC), with which the respective object can be uniquely identified worldwide. With RFID technology, an object can be read remotely and tracked individually from a great distance. Depending on the radio frequency, it can be reached up to several hundred meters in range. Today this technique is applied in different contexts, such as toll systems, animal identification in agriculture or electronic locks.
Industry 4.0
When converting the system of radio-identification into intelligent Internet of Things, there is one more important detail necessary: the "Object Name Service" (ONS). This is when a web page is assigned to an object EPC. With this, information on the web can be accessed from and processed by a selected object at any time. This plays a significant role in "Industry 4.0," or the digitization of production technology and logistics. With this, equipment and components can communicate with one another in a factory and automatically optimize the production process. To see how this works in detail, we have collected and processed all the information for you in our slides.
Our IoT Templates Help You
- improve internal company actions
- evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of communicating machines
- identify technical requirements of Industry 4.0
This PowerPoint Template Includes:
- "Internet of Things" definition
- slides for the technical implementation of the concept
- survey findings on opinions about Internet of Things
- technical opportunities of Industry 4.0
- presentation of possible concept applications (e.g. logistics, health care)
- pros and cons of the system
- consequences for business