Use Index Tabs to structure your presentation and jump from slide to slide without following a fixed sequence of slides.
PowerPoint Index Tabs
Index Tabs in PowerPoint help your audience to get a chronological overview of your presentation so that your listeners can easily follow your performance. However, such a structure does not only help your audience to keep track but it also helps the speaker to stay within a pre-defined time frame.
Quick and User-Friendly Navigation
Job life is filled with daily challenges: managing more than one job at the same time and to move between different subject areas but still work quickly and most efficiently has become a natural part of professional life. A definite sequence of order is not always guaranteed – whether it is in professional life or at your next business presentation.
Interactive PowerPoint slides which work with Index Tabs simplify your professional work – at least your work in PowerPoint. Hyperlinks enable you to link different slides to each other and to add interactive elements which make a random navigation within the presentation possible.
Index Tabs…
- make a quick and easy navigation between slides possible
- give overview of your time management
- improve transparency and efficiency
Presentation Template Includes:
- variety of 220 PowerPoint slides
- classic layouts as well as stylish flat designs
- many different slide masters
- images and graphics to structure your presentation thematically
- stylish icons
- adjustable elements
- pre-defined charts