Illustrate the Hidden Costs and Risks of a Project with Iceberg Graphics and Photos.
Take a Look Beneath the Surface
Up to eighty-five percent of an iceberg is under water, so the proverbial "tip of the iceberg" is only a very small part of the whole and can therefore be deceptive. This observation can be used in a business context as well: a good strategy should look beneath the surface s to evaluate and include previously overlooked factors.
The Iceberg as Metaphor
An iceberg can serve as a metaphor for hidden costs and risks; if you limit your thinking to the tip of an iceberg, you can miss essential details and expose yourself to risk.
Our PowerPoint slides use various iceberg graphics to highlight hidden costs and risks to create a holistic view of a project.
With Our Iceberg Graphics You Can
- show hidden aspects of your strategy
- alert your employees to hidden risks and costs
- present a holistic view of your project
This PowerPoint Template Contains:
- a variety of iceberg graphics and photos
- toolbox with iceberg elements
- slides showing the comparison between the iceberg above and below the water