This PowerPoint toolbox includes graphics, icons and symbols for professional human resource management (HRM) presentations.
Human Resource Management and Development
A highly-educated staff decides whether your company will have economic success or not. The human resource department of a business is an important mediator for hiring qualified staff and management.
Interface between Staff and Management
HR managers act as connecting links and strategic partners while dealing with management as well as acting as an employee’s advocate. The primary goal is to find suitable, well-educated staff to fill vacancies and to benefit the department with knowledge and specialized skills.
Use HRM icons, symbols and graphics to illustrate the basics of HRM and display company structures. Illustrate each person of the respective department, starting with regular staff up to the management level. Choose from male and female icons and create corporate structures in PowerPoint.
Our HRM Icon set helps you to…
- illustrate all employee and management levels
- create suitable charts with design elements
- link design expertise with business charts
PowerPoint Templates Include
- collection of employee and management icons
- other business icons and symbols
- chart and table templates