Use examples, graphics, and plans to communicate how Hoshin Kanri can improve your business management.
Set the Course
The Japanese term Hoshin Kanri translates to “compass planning”. Hoshin Kanri is a relatively unknown approach to business planning and management. Developed in Japan in the 1950s, Hoshin Kanri has been successfully implemented by Toyota for many years.
Improve Corporate Culture
Hoshin Kanri combines the abilities of all employees and all levels of management to achieve a company objective. This not only saves resources and improves processes, but also creates a strong sense of community within the company.
Use our PowerPoint template to explain the Hoshin Kanri system to your employees. You will find inspiration, ideas, and implementation plans. In addition, a chapter on the Balanced Scorecard, which contains a definition, an explanation, and a sample card is available in this PowerPoint presentation.
With the Hoshin Kanri Template, You Can
- save resources and improve management processes
- actively involve all employees in company objectives
- convey the Hoshin Kanri principle
This PowerPoint Template Includes:
- a definition
- comprehensive slides to outline processes
- an example: The Toyota Way
- Hoshin Kanri vs. management by objectives
- Hoshin Kanri and balanced scorecard
- implementation and strategic plans