Our application template set for the catering profession such as cooking, kitchen help or service personnel includes professionally designed cover letter, resume and cover page PowerPoint templates, as well as valuable tips on a successful application process.
With Application Templates for the Catering Profession
"A feast for the eyes" means that not only can you prepare or serve food that tastes delicious, but also looks appetizing. Similarly, when applying for a catering position, your letter should convince the potential employer by its content as well as its creative implementation.
Templates with sample text and a professional layout can act as an aid in creating compelling application documents in a short time. With the help of corresponding images, for example, on the cover page, your application will stand out from the rest which will make a lasting impression on the Human Resource managers. According to studies, the chances of being invited to an interview will increase enormously.
Set with Templates and Application Tips
This set of cover letter, resume and cover page templates is printable in A4 format and includes sample text and appropriate catering profession images (fork with food and wheat grain.) 6 slides with professional application tips are ideal for preparing you for challenges like a telephone interview or face-to-face interview.
With the Application Templates for the Catering Profession, you can
- create application documents in professional design
- quickly fill in cover letter, resume and cover page with your data
- create application with the catering profession corresponding graphics