This template contains business people in flat design, portrayed in various situations and with a wide range of expressions.
Symbolic Representation of Business People
Business presentations often include diagrams and charts. However, it’s not always easy to interpret this information and the central message can get lost in the shuffle. Graphics are an effective way to communicate your message and streamline overloaded slides.
This set contains cartoon figures of business people in diverse contexts. These graphics illustrate a variety of business-related situations, such as a figure shaking hands with a colleague, sitting on a mound of coins, climbing a mountain, and more. Also included is a toolbox which allows you to customize a figure’s gestures and arm movements.
With Our Flat Design - Cartoon People Template, You Can
- use and combine a large selection of cartoon figures in your presentations
- use graphics to emphasize your concepts and strategies
- customize suitable graphics for varied business contexts
This PowerPoint Template Includes:
- graphic representations of businessmen and women
- a toolbox containing adjustable cartoon figures and surrounding elements
- ready-made graphics and design elements for infographics