With Flat Design Diagram templates for PowerPoint, you can illustrate figures, data and facts with various charts (bar chart, pie chart, timeline diagram, etc.) in modern flat design.
Minimalist Diagrams
The design of diagrams in flat design results in a vividly colored, but otherwise minimalist nature of imagery. Shadows, realistic textures or other 3D effects are completely omitted.
Efficiently Made
These diagrams help to comprehensibly convey developments in business-related fields to third parties. They are, for example, perfect for visualizing market comparisons or price statistics. The simplicity of the flat design helps to draw attention to the essential statements effectively.
The Flat Design Diagrams
This set contains numerous diagrams in different flat design illustrations and colors. They all provide placeholders for text and numbers in which comparisons, statistics and other important key figures can be easily entered.
With The Flat Design Diagram Templates, you can
- have a wide range of different graphs in modern flat design
- visualize numbers, data and information graphically
- save time by filling out your preferences to ready-made graphics
PowerPoint Templates Include:
- pie chart with precise indication of data
- tablet graphics with Venn diagram and text placeholders
- pyramid chart with title placeholders and percentages
- timeline graph with year
- pie chart with subdivisions
- smartphone with graphic chart
- bar graphs with legend
- quantity charts
- scatter charts with axes