What is corporate culture?
Corporate culture is the invisible foundation of a company, consisting of shared values, beliefs and behaviors. It determines how people in the company interact with each other, make decisions and overcome challenges. The culture is shaped by leadership’s vision, practiced values and established traditions. It may not always be tangible, but it has a decisive influence on the working atmosphere and contributes significantly to the long-term success of the company.
How is a healthy corporate culture developed?
Developing a corporate culture starts with establishing clear values and a vision to guide the company. Leaders act as role models by exemplifying these values and setting the standard for the entire organization. Employee involvement is crucial to ensure that the culture is supported by everyone. Regular communication, transparency and the right structures, such as feedback systems and recognition programs, facilitate this process. The corporate culture remains dynamic and adaptable through constant reflection and adjustment.
When is a cultural change necessary?
A change in culture becomes necessary when a company’s growth or adaptability is being held back by its existing corporate culture. Common reasons for this are changing market conditions, recent technologies or changing customer requirements. To remain competitive, companies need to adapt their culture to these changes. Phases of significant growth, mergers or restructuring also often require a realignment to strengthen internal processes and teamwork. An unhealthy corporate culture that leads to dissatisfaction, high staff turnover or a lack of innovation is also a sign that change is needed.
Everything on corporate culture in one template
Our new Corporate Culture PowerPoint template provides you with all key information on corporate culture. Find out how a positive corporate culture is developed and when a cultural change is needed. Present the individual elements of a corporate culture and use our professionally designed templates to present your own corporate culture to your audience. We’ve provided you with presentation-ready slides in a modern design that can be customized with just a few clicks. Don’t hesitate and download our corporate culture template now.
With this PowerPoint template, you can
- obtain carefully selected information and templates on corporate culture.
- present the key elements of your corporate culture.
- explain the process of developing and changing your corporate culture.
This PowerPoint template includes:
- Quote
- What is corporate culture?
- Definition
- Different from a corporate philosophy
- Why is corporate culture important?
- Corporate culture is a competitive advantage
- Corporate culture as mediator
- What external factors influence corporate culture?
- Corporate culture in daily life
- Negative corporate culture
- Corporate culture: examples
- Elements of a positive corporate culture
- Shared values
- Rules and norms
- Behaviors and routines
- Symbols
- Communication
- Work environment
- Leadership style
- Diversity and inclusion
- Mutual trust
- Corporate culture models
- Edgar Schein’s three-level mode
- Hatch’s cultural dynamics
- McKinsey’s 7S model
- Hall’s iceberg model
- Hofstede’s layer model
- Kotter and Heskett’s two-stage model
- Handy’s types of culture
- Quinn and Cameron’s competing values framework
- Johnson and Scholes’ cultural web model
- Develop and change corporate culture
- When should a corporate culture be developed?
- Culture canvas
- Development process
- When is a cultural change necessary?
- 6 principles of cultural change (Levin and Gottlieb)
- Cultural change in 5 steps
- The role of employees, leadership and HR department
- Templates