Identify and Resolve Problems Using Our Professional PowerPoint Templates.
The Bridge as Metaphor
The Bridge as Metaphor
Bridges are built to surmount natural obstacles such as rivers, canyons or straits. The word "bridge" is also used often as a metaphor. "Building bridges" means overcoming differences, finding compromises, arriving at a solution and reaching out to each other. This metaphor also applies to business, where overcoming problems through teamwork and creating constructive solutions has a significant impact on economic success.
Solve Problems, Resolve Conflicts
Solve Problems, Resolve Conflicts
Use our Bridge Diagrams PowerPoint template to brainstorm with your team and develop proactive strategies. Use the three-dimensional graphics to illuminate issues and illustrate the path to successful problem solving.
The placeholders in the water can be used to represent difficulties and risks, for example in a project's implementation, and how these can be tackled or minimized.
As well as symbolizing problems, such as those occurring within a project, these templates can also be used to deal with the topic of interpersonal relationships in the workplace. You can discuss conflicts and work out solutions together with your team. A large selection of placeholders and a toolbox allow you to easily customize the templates to suit your particular needs.

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