Checklist N° 3: Your Presentation Venue
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Author: Tom Becker
Getting to know the venue and its equipment is essential to your presentation’s success. Does the venue have the equipment you need? Enough seating? Not knowing the answers to these questions ahead of time can spell disaster. Play it safe with the following checklist.
The venue:
- What are the conditions of the venue?
- Is there enough parking?
- Where is the room and are there any barriers?
- Is the room easy to find or will you need to put up signs?
- Do you need to organize a key in advance or will someone be there to let you in?
- Are there any other presentations or events happening in the same building or nearby?
The presentation room:
- How big is the room?
- Do you have access to the equipment you need?
- Is there someone there to help you set up?
- Can the equipment be adapted to your needs?
- How are the acoustics? Will you need a microphone?
- Does the audience have an unobstructed view of the stage? Will you need a spotlight? Are the images and text in your presentation easy to see? Are there windows and if so, do they need to be darkened?
- Can the room temperature be adjusted?
- Is there a lectern? Will you need a table and/or chair?
- Is there a coatroom? Is the venue liable for lost or stolen property?
- Are the restrooms easy to find? Is there a cafeteria?
- Are there enough chairs for the expected turnout? Are extra chairs available? Will the audience need tables? Will you need to set this up before the presentation?
Now that you’ve ensured the venue and technical conditions are ideal, it’s time to look at the last-minute before your presentation. Be sure to read our next checklist for tips on how to prepare yourself and make sure your presentation goes off without a hitch.