Checklist N° 1: Get to Know Your Audience
Reading Time: 1 minute
Author: Tom Becker
An entertained and engaged audience is the hallmark of a successful presentation. Remember, you are there to convey your message and connect with your audience. The more you know about your audience, the better you can tailor your content and presentation environment to their needs.
Getting to know your audience:
- Are they colleagues? Experts? Nonprofessionals?
- How big is the audience?
- Will prominent personalities, press and/or other media be present?
- Are there non-native speakers in the audience? If so, will you need to make changes to your presentation?
- Is your audience already familiar with your topic?
- Are there any audience members needing individual attention? For example, reserved seating or an extra announcement?
- Are there audience members with special needs? If so, do they any have specific requirements?
Presenting Abroad:
- Is it possible to present in the local language?
- Are there any cultural norms that should be taken into consideration?
- What is the conventional way to give a polite, but not too formal, greeting?
- Will a translator be needed? And if so, is one available?
Media Presence:
- Is media presence desired or needed?
- Will there be a language barrier?
- Should internal communications be involved?
These checklists can help you provide the best possible experience for your audience.
You can download this checklist right here as a PDF file: Checklist 1_Get To Know Your Audience
In part two, we’ll discuss how to make sure nothing goes wrong with your presentation materials and how to introduce yourself.