answer these 5 w questions in preparation of your presentations

Always Answer these 5 (W-) Questions for Your Presentations!

During your presentation preparation, you should always keep your audience in mind. To achieve this and meet your presentation goals, you should focus on answering the question that we will introduce in this article. We will also show you how to answer the questions as detailed as possible for your purposes. The 5 questions You…

the 5 best database sites for images for your PPT

The 5 Best Free Image Database Sites: Suitable Images for Your Presentation!

Especially when you are in a hurry and trying to finish the PowerPoint presentation as soon as possible, images are the last thing on your mind. You may also be familiar with this situation. Unless you have your own in-house image database, finding good license free images for your presentation can be difficult. That’s why…

10/20/30 rule for better presentations

The 10/20/30 rule: Create better PowerPoint presentations!

What does a perfect PowerPoint presentation even look like? This is a question that many speakers still ask themselves. And still, every now and again the audience almost falls asleep during a presentation. Online and on social media, there are multiple tips and tricks for good presentations. Some of these are useless, but some of…

10 secrets for creating perfect Presentations

Revealed: The 12 secrets for a perfect PowerPoint presentation

To give an excellent presentation, there are many things you need to consider. While many criteria seem self-evident, there are many points that you may not be aware of. We present 12 secrets for a top presentation in this short article. 12 secrets that will help you create top presentations! #1 Passion If you want…

How to choose the right PowerPoint title for your Presentations

The PowerPoint Title Slide: 6 Tips on how to Find the Right PowerPoint Title!

Many of you might be aware: finding a matching title for your slides can be a challenge. The title says a lot about your presentation and is the first crucial aspect of whether your audience will pay attention to you or not. In this article, we will show you how to find a good title…

PowerPoint Storytelling: Use Emotions in your presentations

Storytelling in Presentations โ€“ Connect Emotionally with Your Audience!

PowerPoint presentations have become an indispensable part of business life.  It can be challenging, however, to keep the audience interested in your topic, meaning less of a chance of convincing them of your ideas. If a presentation consists mainly of text, even the most innovative product idea can quickly lose the audienceโ€™s attention. Incorporating visually…

Benefits of Your PowerPoint Topic

Presenting Customer Benefits: 5 Essential Questions to Put What You Can Give Your Customers Front and Centre

Anyone whoโ€™s ever created a PowerPoint presentation knows what itโ€™s like. You spend weeks intensively putting together your presentation and preparing for your talk. Then the time finally comes: itโ€™s the day of the presentation. That decisive day when you have to be convincing to get your message across and achieve your goals. Your audience…

Say no to stock images in presentations

Say No to Stock Images: Better Alternatives for Your Presentations

Thanks to perfect-looking models and smiling, hand-shaking employees they usually look good at first glance: stock images. We all know them, and weโ€™ve probably used them before. But even, if this sounds promising at first, stock photos stage an illusory world over and over again and thus create a certain distance to your customers. In…

Good Presentations with few preparation time

PowerPoint presentation without preparation time – this is how it works!

Hereโ€™s how to create a presentation without much preparation time, and what you need to keep in mind! Every now and then it happens: You find yourself in a situation where you are expected to spontaneously give a presentation. Despite the fact that you have virtually no time to prepare for it. This can make…

Present your Presentations like Aristotle

Lecture like Aristotle – this is how you leave a lasting impression!

Although techniques used long before our time may seem outdated at first glance, there is much that philosophers like Aristotle have taught that can still help us today. This includes, for example, that Aristotle taught that a memorable speech rests on three pillars. In this post, we’ll explain what these are and how you can…