Tables and Figures in PowerPoint

Present tables and figures clearly in PowerPoint: Tips and Tricks!

Annual reports, financial plans, or calculations: Too many tables and figures often seem unnecessarily complex. In a presentation this can quickly seem overwhelming and irritate the audience. In most cases, however, numbers are useful and unavoidable. This makes it even more important to be able to convince with a minimalist, clearly structured overall appearance of…

Bending Texts in PowerPoint: How to use curved text

Bending PowerPoint Text: Curved Text as Design Element for Your Presentation

Want to add some dynamism to your presentation and make your text more engaging? Then the design element called ‘PowerPoint Text Bending’ might be just the thing for your PowerPoint presentation. Learn how to bend text or enhance it with effects and settings. You will also discover which effects are suitable for this type of…

PowerPoint Backgound: tips and tricks

PowerPoint Backgrounds: How to Make Your Presentations Pop

A slide background is a key design element in any PowerPoint presentation โ€“ its visual impact and value should never be underestimated. But choosing the right background can be a challenge. In this article, you will learn how to change, edit and customize the PowerPoint background to match your corporate style. Make your presentation pop…

Create beautiful Bar Charts in PowerPoint

8 Tips for Better Bar Charts in PowerPoint!

Many presentations would be unthinkable without diagrams. With diagrams you visualize your data, numbers or facts better than with pure text blocks. In addition, charts visually enhance your slides and have an appealing effect on your audience. Today we will show you how to prepare bar charts even better for your slides. Bar chart: What…

How to skilfully include images in PowerPoint

Images in PowerPoint presentations: Hereโ€™s 2 ideas how to skillfully include them!

Itโ€™s commonly known that images in presentations get more attention than long texts. To use this effect for your presentation without missing out on important information, there are several options. In this article we will introduce two options that allow lecturers to combine texts and images in a visually appealing way. Option #1: Creating your…

10 types of PowerPoint Slides for Your PowerPoint Presentation

10 Types of PowerPoint Slides for Convincing Presentations!

When it comes to creating presentations, PowerPoint is indispensable. Obviously, the most important part of any presentation are PowerPoint slides with the right content to communicate your message. Weโ€™ll show you 10 types of PowerPoint slides that you can use in your presentation. Weโ€™ll also explain the benefits of each slide type and the added…

The best PowerPoint Layout Tips and Tricks for your PowerPoint

PowerPoint Layout: Tips & Tricks Plus 6 Modern Ideas for Your Slide Layout!

A well-designed PowerPoint layout is essential for any presentation. Why? Simple: a visually interesting and coherent slide grabs your audience’s attention and makes you and your content look professional. A good PowerPoint layout creates a common thread running through your presentation by coordinating design elements. This allows your audience to easily follow the content of…

Titelbild PowerPoint Rounded Corners16zu9

PowerPoint Rounded Corners: A Really Fantastic Design Element!

If youโ€™ve already come across and been impressed by shapes or pictures with rounded corners in PowerPoint, youโ€™ll know that they are a great way to make presentations look fresh, modern and elegant. Itโ€™s a simple way to use creative design to make your presentations really stand out! Today we’ll show you just how to…

Guide: Creating PowerPoint Arrows

PowerPoint Arrows in Presentations: Curved Arrows, Circle Arrows and More

Arrows are great for illustrating connections, progressions and directions quickly and easily. They add zest to the visual design of PowerPoint presentations and, thanks to their visual language, reduce unnecessary text on slides. PowerPoint arrows offer a wide range of possibilities; you can visualize loops with curved arrows, explain processes with progress arrows or grab…

Logo Placement in PowerPoint

Logo Placement in PowerPoint: Where Should It Go?

You’ve designed a slick, sophisticated and professional PowerPoint presentation. But where to put your company logo? Logos play a key role in effective corporate branding. Still, there are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to how often you use them in PowerPoint presentations and where to place them on slides. The…