Incorporate 3D Text Pyramids PowerPoint templates to structure facts and their detailed descriptions.
Pyramidal Structure
Pyramids are suitable for multiple purposes. Through its tapering form, they reflect possible distribution ratios (eg demographic data) but also important aspects which effectively emphasize and display your purpose. In addition, hierarchies can be mapped with the pyramids, which is particularly important when preparing personnel organizations.
Representation of Organizations, Hierarchies, Structures
Take the 3D Text Pyramids to subdivide an overall structure into individual aspects, realize and present objectives and measures, divide procedures into individual process steps and map hierarchies.
In order to implement this plan into action, the templates offer several representations of pyramids, which are divided into different elements. Each element is, in this case, provided with text blocks that can be labeled individually and can serve to convey content.
For visual support, the individual elements differ from one another in color (grayscale and blues.) The elements are supplemented with text components through business images on four of the 20 slides. Such things, like products, people and architectural renderings can be depicted.
With the 3D Text Pyramids PowerPoint templates, You Get
- a modern design
- comprehensive labeling options
- visual support (color, images)
PowerPoint Templates Include
- 4 slides with pyramids with pictures
- 8 slides with pyramids with individual elements in gray tones
- 8 slides with pyramids with individual elements in blue tones