Integrate graphics of sliced spheres in spatial design to represent the individual parts of a larger whole.
Separating and Joining
Sphere graphics that have been sliced in various ways and reassembled are often used for metaphorical representations. A famous symbol of this type is the yin-yang symbol of Chinese philosophy, which stands for opposite but interrelated forces.
Parts of the Whole
A sphere symbolizes unity and solidarity. If this sphere is divided, the opposite is often assumed. Therefore, a sphere is appropriate symbol of a unification process as well as in the opposite case of a process of elimination.
Our PowerPoint templates provide a selection of templates for both scenarios. The illustration of a quartered or sliced sphere is included in this set as well as a sphere cross-section. Another design element is a sphere graphic with a smaller sphere inside similar to the famous Russian Matryoshka dolls.
3D Spheres Slices offer the possibility to
- show components of a larger whole
- illustrate both mergers as well as elimination processes
- indicate the relationships between individual elements
PowerPoint Templates Include
- sliced spheres graphics (sliced, in quarters, etc.)
- demonstration of the yin-yang symbol as sphere graphic
- graphics of spheres with smaller spheres inside (like a Russian Matryoshka doll)
- cross-section through a sphere