Radial diagrams, timelines and mind maps designed with three-dimensional spheres.
Organize Your Thoughts
Writing down ideas in the form of keywords is a useful method of brainstorming. Radial diagrams, timelines and mind maps support your brainstorming work and help to quickly recognize parallel as well as innovative ideas.
Mind Mapping with 3D Spheres
Mind maps and other types of charts are created to free undiscovered ideas by using the principle of association. The core aspect of this method is to visually display and structure content.
Our set of templates provides help in organizing your ideas. It contains a selection of radial diagrams, timelines and mind maps designed with 3D spheres. By connecting element with each other, you organize thoughts in categories, show interconnections and represent complex subject matters.
The Template Set Allows You to...
- clearly organize your thoughts
- structure ideas by using timelines and radial diagrams
- make connections easily accessible
PowerPoint Templates Include:
- radial diagrams using up to eight elements
- timelines
- individually designed mind maps