The Lego Bricks collection for PowerPoint includes Lego bricks and models such as towers, houses and stairs in different variations to visualize the facts and components of your business.
Toys for Creative People
Legos are one of the most popular toys worldwide. The colorful plastic bricks can be put together to construct models of all kinds. Creativity knows no bounds.
Individual Bricks of Complex Models
Just like Lego models, companies are also figuratively made of several bricks that represent their individual employees and work procedures.
Accordingly, Lego bricks can be used in business-related presentations as metaphors. For example, a lack of available bricks in a Lego model represents the importance of each individual for the success of the entire business.
Current Lego models can be easily supplemented by new bricks, which can be used to symbolize newly added business sectors, to introduce steps or to show levels of attained success.
Lego Set in 3D
This collection includes many Lego models and building bricks in 3D, which can be rotated with the PowerPoint tools in the desired position. Thematically, the templates represent facts of your company, your product range or service components. The pre-placed text placeholders complement the models by giving additional information.
With the Lego Bricks for PowerPoint, You Can
- visualize different situations with Lego bricks
- vividly convey the importance of the individual components in your business
- have many Lego model graphics for all applications
PowerPoint Templates Include
- Lego models in different variations (house, tower, circle, stairs, etc.)
- Lego bricks in different shapes and sizes
- text placeholders to insert your content