Present project planning and operations with a set of creative templates centered on the "domino effect” theme.
Domino Effect
Based on the tile-placed game Domino, the “domino effect” is triggered by a sequence of similar events in sort of a chain reaction. Each event in this case is triggered by a previous event and is in turn the cause of a subsequent event. In terms of entrepreneurial processes, Domino graphs are particularly useful to represent process chains or sequential process steps.
Planning Processes
Use our Dominoes 3D PowerPoint presentations to illustrate to your audience what influences each process step in the development of the overall process. With the images, you can make it clear to your employees how committed you are to the achievement of the corporate objective and show how possible risk factors that might lead to failure can be minimized.
To shift the focus to a single process stage, individual dominoes within a domino row can be highlighted and can be described with the available placeholders in the templates. By dividing large domino rows into individual smaller rows, you can determine user groups and define their task fields in a project.
Developments in the project can be presented in the form of a domino graph that this presentation provides. The perspective and color of the tiles can be changed, and thus easily adapted to your individual needs.
Benefit from the Dominoes 3D PowerPoint templates’
- elegant design
- clarity of the domino effect
- ability to highlight each process steps
PowerPoint Templates Include
24 slides with images of domino chains (3 in the form of graphs) for project planning and each project step