Incorporate three-dimensional cubes arranged in a semicircle similar to an amphitheater to illustrate your central idea.
The Center of Attention
Similar to a Roman amphitheater, the semicircle of elements inspires a large audience. All attention is then focused on the center.
What is the Core Idea of Your Project?
Use the amphitheater image to illustrate your central idea. Could this idea pass when brought before the critical voices of colleagues or clients? And most importantly, which points would need to be improved?
Show this by using our cube graphics. In amphitheater style, these graphics are arranged in a semi-circular shape which draws attention to the central aspect. It creates space for further view exchanges.
Our Slide Set Will Help You
- put your central idea in a nutshell
- promote discussion about your idea
- draw attention to certain aspects of your project
PowerPoint Templates Include:
- cubes arranged in a semicircle (amphitheater style)
- a range of semicircles in different styles and types