Explore Correlations Between Your Company’s Various Processes and Departments
The Structure of a Company
Every company produces some form of service or product. The process of developing a service or product innovation consists of many critical steps, such as the procurement of capital goods, involving competent employees, testing, and designing launch strategies. Product development often involves many departments in different locations which only adds to the complexity of the process. Maintaining an up-to-date overview of every step and subprocess is vital. This allows disruptions to be identified and located and targeted solutions to be developed.
Break Your Business Down into Individual Modules
The slides contained in the template contain several three-dimensional cubes in various sizes, colors, and arrangements. The set can be used to visualize different departments and processes within your company and to arrange and edit them as you like.
Use the template to create a virtual model of your company that you can customize and view from various angles. Illustrate organizational hierarchies to your team, introduce new departments, or highlight specific processes.
With the Connected 3D Cubes Template You Can
- break down and analyze company processes
- use cubes to present connections and workflows
- enhance your presentation with 3D optics
This Set Includes:
- interconnected 3D cubes in various arrangements
- 3D cubes placed side by side in different sizes
- 3D cubes in contrasting colors