Utilize this comprehensive set with project templates and definitions for 8D/ 7STEP, two methods for systematically analyzing problems and developing sustainable strategies.
Complaint Management in Eight Steps
8D stands for eight processing steps (eight “disciplines“) that are important for solutions to a problem. It provides a systematic approach that not only overcomes a problem in the context of quality assurance, but can also avoid any further occurrence. The 7STEP model has the same objective and almost the same measures, however in seven steps. Both methods are independent, but basically similar to each other. They essentially offer similar solutions for problems and errors that require immediate action, such as customer complaints.
Systematic Problem Solving
The seven or eight steps for developing a solution can be roughly divided into three phases. The first is aimed at understanding the problem in order for an immediate action to take place without involving the customer. In the second phase, the problem is intensively analyzed until the exact cause is found. Therefore, the 5-W Method (5 Why’s) is a handy tool. By applying the repetitive “Why?“ questions, you can narrow down the causes of the problem to its root. In the final stage, the solution found is not only locally implemented, but is embedded within company, which prevents this same problem from occurring again elsewhere.
You can find templates for both 8D and 7STEP methods in this set. Included are also road maps and Gantt charts, which you can use as structural guidelines for concrete implementation in your company. With the help of several slides, each step can be individually explained in detail. Furthermore, this set includes tools useful for quality assurance. Included is the Japanese Poka-Yoke principle, whose aim is error proofing products.
Complaint Management with 8D/ 7STEP provides,
- a systematic approach for dealing with complaints
- a method for structuring constant improvement and avoiding further errors
- several analytical tools for quality assurance
PowerPoint Templates Include
- 8D and 7STEP definitions and features
- comparison of both methods
- road maps and Gantt charts
- structuring processes by using a standard form
- overview of 8D or 7STEP method steps
- detailed slides of each step
- slides for concrete examples
- an audit checklist for monitoring quality management
- chart templates (bar, column, and process flow charts)
- correlation or scatter plots (scatter plots)
- error log sheet for evaluating frequency of errors
- Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
- cost-benefit analysis
- process capability
- protocol
- qualification matrix
- cause-effect chart (Ishikawa diagram)
- pareto chart and the 80/20 rule
- Poka-Yoke principle
- PDCA cycle (Deming)
- 5-W method
- 8D and 7STEP in conjunction with FMEA and Six Sigma